Field Associative Debate

Field Associative Debate:
Date: March 7, 2014
Venue: New Delhi

“FADs form one moment in the year long associative life in MSF and in thinking about them in this way it is clearer that they can and should have many different kinds of outcomes apart from only developing Motions or Recommendations.They primarily give space for exchange of field based ideas and concerns around our medical work and successful FADs should be seen as events where this takes place. FADs do provide a way for the field to make its voice heard in a movement wide dialogue. Whether formal or informal the outcomes of FADs represent the collective will of colleagues who want to see our patients receiving the best possible access to medical care.”

Joanne Liu,
International President.

The discussion questions for the FADs in India this year:

  • Is it important for MSF in India to embrace new medical innovations to improve care and service to patients?  If so, why?  (Innovation could be change in the model of care, service delivery, diagnostics, regimens, new technology etc.)
  • What are the factors (including costs / benefits and risks) that MSF should consider to incorporate new innovations / tools into our standard practice?  How do we ensure internal support and external collaborations to implement new technologies?
  • Do we have the institutional capacity within MSF to respond to our ambitions with new technologies and tools?  If not, how can we build that capacity?

Venue – FAD
Mantra Amaltas
23, Friends Colony (W)
New Delhi – 110065 (India)
Phone: +91 11 49664966
Fax:  +91 11 4966499


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