While surfing the internet via Stumbleupon some time back, I came across the Doctors Without Borders / Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) website and learnt about the organisation and its work for the first time. Immediately I felt an urge to contribute, although in a minimal way, to their work. The fact that MSF works in conflict-ridden areas and war/calamity zones appealed to me the most because usually medical professionals are not inclined to focus on these regions for various justifiable reasons. The contents of the website range of an honest purpose and selflessness which attracted me. Nowadays NGOs are floated for various reasons, sometimes being more hype-oriented than to serve people. MSF does not seem so. I have moral support for all the MSF programmes – be it in Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Kashmir or the North-East. In particular, the services provided in conflict-torn areas are very necessary from a social perspective since the common people in those regions are often forsaken by both sides to the conflict. Being a professional myself, although in a different field, I fully appreciate the sacrifice of the people involved in MSF projects in devoting the time and efforts necessary, as well as the risk undertaken in such projects. I definitely intend to, and have, recommended MSF to various colleagues and friends for the above reasons.