I donated to MSF’s mother and child care programme because I really liked the work MSF is doing in remote areas where there are no hospitals, and especially for something as neglected as the plight of disadvantaged mothers and children. To me, childbearing is a great and significant thing. The fact that so many mothers in neglected and remote areas undergo numerous hardships during their 9 months of pregnancy, and that too without proper medical care, is reason enough for me to try and help in whichever way I can. MSF is doing good work for this cause, working with neglected populations and attending to these mothers and children who cannot access and afford medical care. I remember the first time I heard of MSF – an executive from MSF was visiting my workplace and he spoke about the organization. Their dedication to medical care really impressed me, which is why I decided to make a donation. I have since recommended MSF’s programmes to several people – my boss also decided to donate to MSF as a result.